Our first gig together

Created by Alex 2 years ago

Back in the 60s. You with your 12 string and me with my spanish guitar. We played 2 songs at the Opposite Lock folk club in Birmingham. The second one you forgot to move your Capo, so we played it in different keys, but it didn't matter as everyone was so noisy singing along that no one could hear.

We then picked up some other groups, all 14 of us piled into my A35 van with instruments, someone else changed gear while I used the clutch, there were 4 or 5 in the front and the back doors were open with people hanging out. We went to the local drop-in centre where they served coffee all night to the homeless. They had a stage and anyone could perform. We played till the early hours (4am) just jamming.

Good days. I remember Mac, I always will.
